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Corporate Support

We are happy to work with you and your team to build a partnership that meets your interests and business needs. To learn more about the benefits of supporting our work please reach out to our Advancement Team.
Email: [email protected]
Call: 213-417-3466

CNCA hosts three signature events throughout the year, your support enables us to keep these community events on our calendar.

Our annual Success Conference is a full day of professional development for our entire organization. Nearly 500 members from all Camino Nuevo schools come together to learn from each other and celebrate our progress toward improving educational outcomes for students in underserved communities. 

As low-income, first-generation college students, our graduating seniors often face a variety of challenges during the summer leading up to their first term in college and throughout their college careers. These challenges can prevent our students from getting to and graduating from college. Students participate in a full day of workshops to better prepare them to overcome these challenges and succeed in college. 

Our annual soccer tournament brings together parents, staff, and students from our six campuses for a fun day of healthy competition as grade-level teams compete for the championship Ronus Cup.